Atlantic Beach, South Carolina, fondly referred to as "The Black Pearl," is a charming coastal town renowned for its rich African-American history and beautiful Ocean views. Affectionately nested in the heart of the Grand Strand area, this city is most notable for its distinct and impressive two-block stretch of pristine Atlantic shoreline, making it a choice retreat for countless visitors all year round. The culture and festivities of Atlantic Beach, highlighted by the annual Atlantic Beach Bikefest, truly encapsulate southern heritage and hospitality. Not to mention, it's an attractive destination for those seeking quieter, intimate beach time while also benefiting from the numerous attractions of the more bustling nearby communities like Myrtle Beach.
Car City Central is Atlantic Beach's destination for used cars, trucks, and SUVs. We're located is located at 3598 James B White Hwy South, Whiteville, NC 28472.